Team Prime Time:

After-School Athletics Impact Assessment

Challenge: Team Prime Time's innovative after-school athletic program, pairing high-risk, low-income youth (coaches) with children with special needs (athletes), demonstrated anecdotal success. However, they lacked robust data to quantify their impact and communicate their model's effectiveness to a wider audience, including potential funders and policymakers. They sought to:

  • Objectively measure the program's impact on both coaches and athletes.

  • Develop a data-driven narrative to demonstrate the program's unique value.

  • Secure broader recognition and support for their model.

Solution: Bridging Analytics partnered with Team Prime Time to design and execute a comprehensive impact evaluation study. This collaboration focused on:

1. Development of a Rigorous Evaluation Framework:

  • Bridging Analytics worked with Team Prime Time to define clear program objectives and develop measurable indicators for both coaches and athletes.

  • A mixed-methods approach was implemented, combining quantitative data collection (e.g., academic records, surveys) with qualitative data (e.g., interviews, focus groups).

  • Specific indicators were developed to track:

  • Graduation rates and academic performance of coaches.

  • Social-emotional development of both coaches and athletes.

  • Physical activity levels and sports participation of athletes.

  • Parent and community engagement.

2. Data Collection and Analysis:

  • Bridging Analytics implemented data collection tools and processes, ensuring data quality and consistency.

  • They conducted statistical analysis to identify significant trends and patterns in the data.

  • Qualitative data was analyzed to provide context and depth to the quantitative findings.

3. Impact Reporting and Dissemination:

  • Bridging Analytics developed a comprehensive impact report that presented the study's findings in a clear and compelling manner.

  • The report highlighted key results, including the significant increase in graduation rates among coaches.

  • They assisted in the creation of visual aids that could be easily digested by policy makers.

  • A briefing was prepared for the US Department of Education, showcasing the program's impact and potential for replication.


  • Quantified Impact: The study provided concrete evidence of the program's positive impact on both coaches and athletes.

  • Coaches demonstrated an 86% greater likelihood of graduating from high school.

  • Athletes experienced increased opportunities for physical activity and social inclusion.

  • National Recognition: The briefing to the US Department of Education led to the adoption of Team Prime Time's model in several sporting events across the country.

  • Enhanced Community Engagement: The program fostered a sense of community among parents of both coaches and athletes, breaking down barriers and promoting understanding.

  • Increased School Visibility: Schools that sponsored the program received positive recognition for their commitment to inclusive education and community development.

  • Data-Driven Advocacy: The impact report provided Team Prime Time with a powerful tool for advocacy and fundraising, enabling them to expand their program and reach more youth.


Bridging Analytics' partnership with Team Prime Time demonstrates the power of data-driven evaluation in demonstrating the impact of innovative social programs. By providing robust evidence of its effectiveness, the study helped Team Prime Time gain national recognition and expand its reach, ultimately benefiting thousands of youth across the country. This case study highlights how strategic measurement and evaluation can translate into meaningful policy change and community impact.


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